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Dr Heathers Speaking Introduction

Today our speaker is a self-professed healthy habits nerd who believes in harnessing our skill power over willpower.

In today’s talk, she is going to share the science behind the Sticky Habits methodology, how to overcome habit myths and turn your intentions into actions to create healthy habits that last.

Our speaker is known as Europe’s leading lifestyle behaviour change specialist. She has spent over 10 years in academia studying what it takes to create habits that last. Her work has been published in world-leading research journals as well 300+ media articles and she has been featured in Vogue, Time magazine, and The Times and she is a regular contributor to the BBC.

Please welcome the founder of the Bite Sized Habits course and today’s speaker Dr Heather McKee

Promotional Images

Dr Heather full length profile

Dimensions: 2000 × 3000  |  Size: 2.8mb

Dr Heather Head Shot

Dimensions: 3000 × 2000  |  Size: 3.8mb

Dr Heather webinar

Dimensions: 3000 × 2000  |  Size: 2.6mb

Travel requirements

Dr Heather is available to travel worldwide. She flies economy within Europe/trips less than 4 hours. Further than that she flies business class.

AV requirements

Heather uses a lapel or headset microphone and brings her own ‘clicker’. She uses an Apple Mac Laptop to run her slides and keeps this with her out the front. She will also bring a backup USB drive.


Dr Heather is Europe’s leading lifestyle behaviour change specialist. She has spent over 10 years in academia studying what it takes to create habits that last. Her work has been published in world-leading research journals as well 300+ media articles and she has been featured in Vogue, Time magazine, and The Times and she is a regular contributor to the BBC.

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